

Essay开篇段落的常见形式,一个是Funnel introduction漏斗开篇段,一个是Attention-getting introduction抓注意开篇段。本文将以一个attention-getting introduction为例,详细讲解如何写这类开篇段。

例文是一篇题为Pixels and Print: Effects of the Digital Age on Children's Literature因果文的开篇段。同样来自MICUSP语料库,是由在美国大学读书的本科生撰写。全文讨论了数字时代对儿童阅读的影响,同样是一篇被评为优秀的作业。


整段共有六句话,前五句为general statements, 最后一句是thesis statement。我们将整段按句子为单位分开,分句阅读,看作者是如何从general statements过渡到thesis statements的。


The impact of the Internet and technology on children today is unavoidable: children are increasingly immersed in the digital world through a variety of media.

泛泛地介绍了网络和技术的发展对儿童阅读产生影响这个现象。[A phenomenon]

作者用第二句到第四句讲了个真实的故事。[A real case of the phenomenon]


One of my cousins, a happy eighteen-year-old living with Down syndrome, carries her Leap Frog Leap Pad everywhere she goes.


When she first received the Leap Pad, she had been reading well below her grade level and hated how difficult it was for her to get through a book.


The Leap Pad provided my cousin with an opportunity to see interactions with print as fun, exciting, and relevant: just as she loved watching her DVDs and playing computer games, she grew to enjoy her interactive storybooks.



My cousin is only one of millions of children affected by the growth of the digital age in children's literature.

将一个特例普遍化,把一个具体的例子同数字时代对千千万万儿童的阅读联系起来。[Generalization about the case]

引入Thesis statement:

The development of the digital environment, including interactive books, graphics, websites, games, movies, and television, has dramatically expanded the realm of children's literature and has influenced the way that children interact with reading and language.

介绍了数字阅读环境对儿童阅读的两方面影响。第一,拓宽了阅读领域;第二,影响了儿童阅读的方式,与语言和阅读互动的方式。[Effects of the phenomenon]

这个Attention-getting introduction从泛泛地介绍一个现象,到介绍一个具体的案例,再把案例拓宽到广大儿童,最后引入thesis statement,说明文章要讨论的具体影响。也是有宽到窄,由泛入细。同时通过真实事例抓住读者兴趣,增强代入感。是个attention-getting introduction的好例文。