


我们经常会认为讲故事是小朋友才做的事。尤其是上大学以后,我们的写作课就已经完全被EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes)和ESPEnglish for Specific Purposes)所占领了。可是,叙事是人类的本能,你保证你在写议论文的时候一点叙事的成分都没有吗?我相信你一定会用到,而且还不少。这就是段落发展的重要方法之一,我们称之为illustrationexemplification(例证法)。


Illustration (often called example or exemplification) is a method of developing an idea by providing one or more instances of that idea. Illustrations or examples serve to clarify the idea, make the idea more convincing, or make an abstract idea more concrete. Scarry & Scarry 2010:352


1. 自己的经历和世界知识。拿自己身边事情作为例子很容易,但是需要精心挑选,你不需要完整地讲述整个故事的前因后果,而是要节选其中最能够直接支撑topic sentence部分说明。

2. 想象。有些例证不一定必须是真实发生的,我们经常在写作中用这样的表达来说明,这个例子不是真实的,但是逻辑上是可能发生的。这些表达如下:

Imagine the following situation,…”

Consider this hypothetical case, …”

Ask yourself what would happen if…”

3. 访谈和调查。通过这两种方式,我们可以得到外部经验,借用别人的经历来证明自己的观点也是一个不错的选择。

4. 研究资料。我们在写议论文、说明文、或其他学术文体的时候,前人的研究发现能更好帮助我们阐释自己的观点。因为研究结果相对来说更加科学、客观,更加容易让读者产生认同感。

下面的例子中,作者用了自身的经历来支撑topic sentence,效果也不错。

Most students today realize they must learn how to use computers to compete in the job market. Last semester, I took my first computer course. To my great pleasure, I found that my new skills helped me not only write compositions but also practice my math. I also discovered that I could go online and talk with people all over the world who have interests similar to my own. In addition, I was able to use the computer to access information from the school library. I plan to become a teacher, and I will be able to use my computer skills to make tests and worksheets, research information for class, and help students make discoveries for themselves.

本段的例证显然是作者精心挑选过的。Topic sentence之后,作者用 I found…, I also discovered…., In addition, I was able to… 三句话说明自己在计算机课上学到的技能。最后一句呼应topic sentence,说自己想当老师,有了这些计算机技能就可以“to make tests and worksheets, research information for class, and help students make discoveries for themselves”
